Today we're diving into process, and why we're supposed to (but maybe shouldn't) trust it.

In a podcast, Jen Waldman dropped a nugget by saying it's not the process we should trust, but instead to trust ourselves to navigate the process and the unknown consequences that might come along with it.

This was such a good piece of insight. In any creative field, you'll hear "trust the process" a lot, but the process doesn't do anything for us on its own. Whether in a creative project or a new life challenge, it's us, the journeyer, that makes the process valuable by taking risks, trying new things, and learning along the way, but it won't become valuable if we don't trust ourselves to take these risks or venture down new paths. So, don't trust the process, trust yourself. Believe you have the skills, wisdom, and courage to get through new challenges and the aptitude to figure it out. Because the more we take risks and trust ourselves, the richer our process and journey become.

So long, Ted Lasso:

This week ended the 3rd and last season of Ted Lasso, a show that brought joy to many. To celebrate what it is, here is a quote and one of my favorite clips from the show.

"Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse, isn't it? If you're comfortable while you're doing it, you're probably doing it wrong."

- Ted Lasso

One of my favorite clips from Ted Lasso: