Take a moment and think about something you would love to be doing.

Is it giving speeches? Guest starring in podcasts? Directing films? Publishing books? Selling your art?

Maybe there's something tied to one of these you want like being featured in a magazine or seeing something you worked on get national praise.

Think about the person who would be doing or achieving that. What are their habits and actions? Are they the same as yours?

Chances are there is one you can think of that you could be doing right now. So why don't we?

Mostly, we don't feel qualified to. We get a natural instinct inside of us that says, "I don't need to do being doing that yet, I'll do that once I get there" or "No one has asked me to do that yet." This unwillingly keeps us on a slow steady line. We wait for permission to start doing them. We feel like we need an external ignition to shift our internal gears into doing what we want to do—and that's just not true.

There's no permission needed to start. So, how do you boost off the steady line and into energy of growth? You act as if you are already that person.

What does a day look like for that person? Are they going to the gym in the morning, meditating, reading every day, doing yoga, writing, or taking courses? You don't need permission to start acting like that person right now. If you want to be a film director act as if you are already a film director. Shoot your own videos and study other films. If you want to give a speech at conferences, you don't need permission to start writing and making the speech now. No one gave me permission to start this blog, I just did.

Take the qualification away that you need to be given permission to start. Boost yourself into the person you want to become and act as if you are that person now.

Creative to inspire you

A Quote to Ponder

"If I'd always done what I was 'qualified' to do, I'd be still pushing a broom somewhere."

A Podcast to Listen to

Some of these ideas come right from this juicy episode of the Long and the Short of It. A highly recommended listen about how we can shift ourselves towards being the people we want to become.