As important as what the message will be, don't overlook the way it will be shared.

The goal isn't to just share a message with someone, it's to make it so they want to listen—for it to be heard.

The way is as important as the what. How it's shared will help texturize the message; It will add suspense, drama, emotion, and depth. If the message is flat, repeating it more times won't increase the chance of it actually being heard, but sharing a message once in a very unique and textured way will.

Find the one thing you want to say and share it in a unique way with the people who want to listen, so your message isn't just shared but heard.

A video to watch

This video represents the idea of focusing on the way over the what very well.

What's the content? Coloring a picture. So why was it so captivating? The way it was told—with suspense, mystery, and drama.

A book to read

Purple Cow by Seth Godin

How do you make an idea so unique that people want to talk about it and pay attention to it? This classic book from Seth Godin talks about how to do this and why trying to share a message in a safe way is the riskiest thing you can do.